we for the past week and a half have had company from vietnam.  i have to 
admit, before they came here, i was quite nervous on what they would think etc 
of my home schooling my children, having 4 kids, both parents being  blind det 
etc.  the reason for all this wondering is because i hear so much from my 
family how of a mistake i have made choseing home  schooling, having children, 
being married to someone blind, depriving my children etc etc.  i have even had 
it thrown in my face how i am commiting a horrible sin with the choices i made 
in parenting, home schooling etc.
anyway, when my great uncles, great ant, and 2 cousins arrived 2 fridays ago, i 
wondered on and off what they would think.  
curtis took the children to the fair that next day and i was asked to come 
along to have a lunch with the family.  anna-lynn and i tagged along.  not soon 
after we left, my great aunt turned around and asked me when the kids were 
going to school.  i repled that i am teaching them.  she thought i meant that i 
was just teaching for the summer.  she again asked when they would head off to 
school.  i told her that i was teaching at home.  she then thought i was 
teaching them till they were ready for school.  i replied that i am home 
schooling which means that antyhing they would learn at school, i am teaching 
myself.  she didn't say much more about it.
my cousin got into the conversation and asked how do i do this?  she 
surprisingly was excited and very agreeable.  she explained to her mom that 
these kids will maybe never enter a school system or if they do, they may enter 
later in their elemetary years or high school etc.  she told my aunt that was 
such a great idea becuase the kids would have one on one time, not be 
distracted by toher children, be able to learn and do their tasks faster, have 
more caring and compassionate thoguhts for people, in general, be very well 
rounded.  she had said that she noticed how clever and fast the kids pick up 
and she saw how they loved their little sister.  she thought home schooling was 
a great idea and she said since i am the mom, only i would know what the needs 
of my kids were!!!!  
i was so astonished and awe strucken/.  i have never really had any relatives 
feel that home schooling was good for the kids!!!!  i always heard of the kid 
snot socializing, my blindess playing a huge role, me depriving my children of 
everything and the kids becoming drug attics etc etc.
my mom heard our conversation, but she chose to ignore it all!!!!  i was really 
hoping that it would have penatrated and that she would have been proud to hear 
that someone in the family thought home schooling was a great thing!!!!!  oh 
now in september, my grandma from my mom's side of the family will be here from 
vietnam.  i don't know what she will percieve!!!
oh, when my cousin did come down to visit, she asked if the kids had doen their 
work yet.  i told her that we had got up early that day and had done a few odds 
and ends.  she never tested the kids, she never asked what we did, how do i kow 
the kids are staying on task, how do i teach this or that!!!!

may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
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