
today i took anna-lynn to the dr for her check up. she is now 10 months old. 
she weighs almost 21 pounds and is about 30 inches long!!!! thank god, she 
didn't have to have any shots!!! 

we went out to eat afterwords at a chinese buffet. she was so so adorable and 
fed herself and seemed to know just how to eat the various foods we gave to 
her. she thinks she is so grown up now. she is really clombing the stairs and 
she is a fast little thing!!!! she lets you hold her to nurse her, play with 
her a bit and then, she is on the go!!!! for such a baby, she has a loud voice, 
wo!!! she knows what she wants and when she has had enough!!! 

she is taking little steps on her own now and bending over and picking up toys, 
smiles. too grown up for her mommy!!!! in just 2 more months, my baby girl will 
be a year old!!!!! i neeed time to slow down!!!! god has truly blessed each of 
my children! 

matthew is his unique self as usual!!!! he is now into heart surgery, how the 
heart works, how to fix the heart etc, etc. he is on what is healthy, what 
isn't. he wanted to be a dr, but after showing him picutres and talking and so 
forth, he has decided it is too much work!!!! 

philip is 7. he is his usual hyper happy determined little self. however, he 
seems jealous so often when i say one of the other kids has done something 
good. Philip and joseph have a lot of the same temperments and thoughts. 
matthew and anna-lynn are more laid back and are more like one another. 

may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 

may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
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