"Deaths In Custody Watch Commitee (WA) Inc." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Lack of courses delays release

one would like to think that those people who are in charge ( not
repsonsible) of prisons here in WA would try to reduce the costs of
incarceration through simply getting people prepared for release at the due
or earliest date.
that is another myth. Prisoners are constantly complaining about not being
able to access a specific program that they are assessed as required to
complete prior to release. The same people who plan the sentences know that
courses are not available, and yet the parole board just keeps on telling
prisoners that they 'have failed to address offending behaviour'
Funny that? no! Some members of the parole board have or still work for the
MOJ. Others have connection to it. They should know by now that they can't
place the responsibility on the prisoner to address offending behaviour
when in fact prisoners have tried time and time again to get on a program.
It is outrageous that men and women are kept in jail because someone has
made a stuff up about not  providing enough courses for the demand, and
that in turn the parole board says these are so important that you have to
do it before we can let you out.
comments please, b.

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