There isn't a "standard" search program for apache, no. I recommend htdig.
It was a no-brainer to set up and will do what you want it to. Free...

Incidentally, I think I saw some announcement about redhat doing a bundle
of apache-ssl with log analyzers and search engines for around a hundred
bux, but I could be misremembering the search engine part of that...


[L]inux has an installed base conservatively estimated at around 3 million
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On Sun, 17 May 1998, L. M. Marchese wrote:

> Does Apache have a standard cgi search program.  Wherecan I find such a
> program which allows my users to search my Web site based on various
> options (title, contents, etc.).  The programs output would be similar
> to those of standard search engines (i.e., hyperlink to the documents
> found).
> Thanks in advance.
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