I am gnew to gnu and am trying to write a very simple program using threads.
I am getting what we microsofties would call an 'unresolved external'
flagging pthread_create() and pthread_join(), the only 2 thread functions I
am calling ( I found the iostream stuff fine ). Obviously, I am missing a
library, but have not gotten a truly unambiguous pointer to (1) exactly
which files do I need; (2) are they preinstalled with red hat 5 if I select
all C and C++ dev tools upon OS installation; (3) which cmd line syntax must
I use to get the libs included ( I have used various combinations of -l
and -L for hours). I have used objdump on various suspicious-looking
libraries (libg++.so.2.7.2, libg++.so.*, plus some libc5 stuff too) without
finding any pthread*() functions.
So, campers - where are those functions, and how can I link them in? Please
be explicit, as I am new to this environment.

Thanks gobs

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