> David Taylor wrote:
> I thought I'd resend this because I'm not sure if it was received the
> first time.
> I am running RedHat 5.0 with Tcl/Tk 8.0 and I am trying to install
> TkDesk.
> I originally tried to install the rpm version (statically linked) and
> I
> got the following error message:
> failed dependencies:
>         libtk4.2.so is needed by TkDesk-1.0b5-2
>         libtcl7.6.so is needed by TkDesk-1.0b5-2
> I thought the whole premise of the statically linked version was that
> it
> would work without regard to what version of the Tcl/Tk libraries I
> had
> installed...? In essence I thought that even tho' I had v8.0 it should
> have worked.  No?  (forcing it didn't work either)

The TKDesk page states that versions of TkDesk are not yet compatible
with v8.0. The TkDesk page can be found at :-




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