
Check out that you are not doning nis lookups or something like that.
The problem is related with name resolution.

On Tue, 2 Sep 2003, Marc Adler wrote:

> I switched my mail transfer agent to postfix from sendmail about a month
> ago and it worked just fine for a while, until I set up an nfs server
> and then tried to set up a samba server (that's still underway). Now,
> when I start the computer, it stops for around 30 seconds when trying to
> start up postfix (but nevertheless succeeds), and when I shut down the
> computer, it fails when trying to stop postfix. It also fails at cups,
> although this might have to do with the nfs settings - I don't know. The
> biggest problem, however, and which I think is possibly related, is that
> whenever I use the internet now, it takes between five and fifteen
> seconds to resolve addresses. This is true whether I use mozilla or
> konqueror. (This delay is even present when I use swat!) Both of these
> problems (postfix and internet delays) cropped up at the same time
> around the time I set up the nfs server, so I'm wondering if they aren't
> related somehow.  DNS settings?  I'm too newbie to figure it out on my
> own.
> If anyone is willing to give this problem a shot, let me know what
> configuration files or logs you need to see what's going on and I'll
> post them.
> Thanks in advance,
> --
> Marc Adler
> --
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