It's 26 May 98  17:23:55,
We'll return to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and All's
discussion of networking help

 sc> One Machine is running Winblows 95 and the other one is running RH 4.2
 sc> I want to basically set up the RH box so it a firewall and it dials
 sc> into the ISP and the 95 proxies through the LAN.

 sc> can someone tell me the basic down and dirty on this ?

I could say "2 words", namely "IP Masquerading".

The best place to go is the IP Masquerade Mini HowTo.  If you have the
HowTos installed on your system, look there, otherwise you'll find them
online as part of the Linux Documentation Project (there is a link from

Shouldn't be too hard to setup (I haven't tried yet, but might fiddle
with it at work one day - I have a subnet at home, so don't need to
masquerade :) ).

.. Everyone hates me because I'm paranoid.
|Fidonet:  Tony Langdon 3:632/367.2
| Standard disclaimer: The views of this user are strictly his own.

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