Hi Antoin and Jim,

I would like to present the following:

* draft-ietf-regext-epp-ttl (5 mins should be enough)
* draft-brown-rdap-ttl-extension (5 mins)
* draft-brown-epp-deleg[1] (5-10 mins)

I am happy to yield on the latter two if others need time for their 
presentations. [1] is also being discussed during the DNSOP interim on 


> On 27 Jan 2024, at 15:08, Antoin Verschuren <ietf=40antoin...@dmarc.ietf.org> 
> wrote:
> Hi all,
> It is time to schedule our session for IETF 119 next week.
> Since we had too little time scheduled for IETF 118 where we filled our 
> complete 1,5 hour time slot, we are thinking of requesting 2 hours this time 
> if people come up with enough agenda items.
> We see enough reasons on the list that may justify a longer slot this time, 
> and he chairs also suggested to organise an interim meeting to discuss the 
> negotiation, signalling, and versioning in RDAP, which we unfortunately 
> failed to do due to prolonged and conflicting holiday scheduling over the new 
> year by the chairs, so we may schedule that in Brisbane too.
> So if you already have agenda items, please let the chairs know, so we can 
> justify requesting 2 hours of meeting time in Brisbane.
> Regards,
> Your REGEXT co-chairs Jim and Antoin
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Gavin Brown
Principal Engineer, Global Domains & Strategy
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)


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