Hello Marc,

I reviewed rfc7484bis for the shepherd doc and noted the following.




Should we mention in both the Abstract and Introduction sections that this doc 
obsoletes RFC 7484?

RFC 8259 obsoletes RFC 7159 for the JSON format. Throughout the doc, it would 
be good to replace references to RFC 7159 with RFC 8259.

Knowing that this spec allows the http scheme (beside the https scheme) in the 
IANA bootstrap files, wonder if we should at the least discontinue using the 
http scheme in our examples, so as not to inadvertently encourage the http 
scheme use?

Is an Implementation Status section needed for elevating RFC 7484 to Internet 

Section 1:

   Querying and retrieving registration data from registries are defined

   in Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP) 


Should we mention RFC 7481 here as well since it covers RDAP security?

Section 2:

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",


   document are to be interpreted as described in 

For consistency, should we append “ when specified in their uppercase form” (as 
done in rfc7482bis and rfc7483bis)?

Section 4:

The entry for the root of the domain name space is specified as "".

Unless missed, didn’t find such an entry in 
https://data.iana.org/rdap/dns.json. Is this sentence extraneous now?

Section 5.1:

Should we only use the IPv4 space reserved for documentation (RFC 5737) in the 
example here? The IESG review of rfc7482bis and rfc7483bis pointed to using 
number resources (IP address space and AS numbers) reserved for documentation 
purposes in related examples.

For the present example:

   client chooses one of the base URLs from this array; in this example,
   it chooses the only one available, "http://example.org/";.  The
   {resource} specified in [RFC7482<https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7482>] is 
then appended to the base URL to
   complete the query.  The complete query is then "https://example.org/

Is there http/https inconsistency here vis-a-vis "http://example.org/"; and 

Section 5.2:

Should we only use the IPv6 space reserved for documentation (RFC 3849) in the 
example here?

In the present example, should we avoid using extraneous 0 as in the 0200 
hextet in 2001:0200::/23? https://data.iana.org/rdap/ipv6.json seems to avoid 

Section 5.3:

Should we only use the AS numbers reserved for documentation (RFC 5398) in the 
example here?

Section 8:

   In the case of a domain object,…

   …This method may not work

   for all types of RDAP objects.

Could we omit saying “This method may not work for all types of RDAP objects” 
given we are here talking about domain objects only?

   Some authorities of registration data may work together on sharing

   their information for a common service, including mutual redirection


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