Hello packagers,

We have a respin of the 'kdenlive' tarball including the mentioned fix.

kdenlive Applications/19.08
64ab3cf06222b95f021941d8c430c70918c04c3ea988f7ccf5ef87c6b69b4465 sources/kdenlive-19.08.3.tar.xz

Christoph Feck

On 11/05/19 06:03, Christoph Feck wrote:
Hello packagers,

*.tar.xz files are available at the usual "stable" location.

Please report issues, release is Thursday.

kdenlive fails to build with newer ECM versions. A patch was committed
to master branch and is available via
https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=413416 but it has not yet been
reviewed and approved or committed for the 19.08 branch.

The 'kcalendarcore' tarball has again been renamed back
to 'kcalcore' to not break build scripts.

REVISIONS_AND_HASHES at https://phabricator.kde.org/P490

Preliminary changelog v19.08.2..v19.08.3:

My public key at

Christoph Feck

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