Report Date:                                      08/22/2012
Reporters Name:                                   Gabriel de Dietrich
Package/Build date:                               08/22/2012
Package name:                                     
Package type:                                     Installer (Offline)
Mkspec used:                                      Seems to be macx-gcc
Build checks:
Asks about license:                               Not tested
Compiles with minimal options:                    Not tested
Compiles as static build (where supported):       Not tested
Compiles in namespace (where supported):          Not tested
Compiles with shadow build:                       Not tested
Compiles cross-compiled (where supported):        Not tested

General checks:
Text files have the correct EOL:                  Yes
Files/dirs have sane perm. and timestamps:        Yes
Tags have been replaced properly:                 Yes
README has valid information:                     Yes

Installer checks:
Fresh install works correctly:                    Yes
Upgrade install works correctly:                  Not tested
Parallel install works correctly:                 Not tested
Previously installed package still works:         Not tested
Warns when installing over an installation:       Not tested
Is correctly signed:                              No
Displays appropriate gfx & strings & version no.: Yes
Offers the correct license(s):                    Yes
Offers sane default install directory:            No
Correctly installs to default directory:          Yes
Correctly installs to non-default loc.:           Not tested
Sanely reports progress and completion:           Yes
Installs only selected components:                Not tested
Component selector works sanely:                  Yes
Shortcuts from last page of installer works:      Yes
Correctly creates Desktop shortcuts:              No
Correctly creates Start Menu shortcuts:           Not tested
Sets correct environment variables for shell:     Not tested
Package shows up in Control Panel/Pkg. Manager:   Yes
Patching of files is done correctly:              Not tested
Cancel button is available:                       Yes
Cleans up after install failure:                  Not tested
Cleanly fails on insufficient disk space:         Not tested
On OS X 10.8, I got the "untrusted developer" warning when opening the install 

Install experience feels sub-standard. First, people tend to trust better 
install packages rather than install apps. Also, some of the installed apps are 
broken (e.g., Assistant), or shouldn't be there (e.g., syncqt).

Uninstaller checks:
Uninstalls properly:                              No
Removes installed files properly:                 Not tested
Removes empty directories:                        Not tested
Removes registry keys:                            Not tested
Reverses any other changes:                       Not tested
MaintenaceTool app won't launch.

Both source/binary package checks:
License is correct:                               Yes
Assistant works correctly:                        No
Designer works correctly:                         No
Demos and examples launch without crashing:       Yes
Demos and examples function acceptably:           No
Demos and examples can be rebuilt:                Not tested
External apps build:                              Not tested
"DLL Swapping" work on an application:            Not tested
GUI stress-testing works ok:                      No
Audio/Video w/QtMultimedia works:                 Not tested
Raster engine works:                              Not tested
Image formats work:                               Not tested
GraphicsView works:                               Not tested
OpenGL works:                                     Not tested
Printing works:                                   Not tested
QML 1 apps work (qmlviewer):                      No
QML 2 apps work (qmlscene):                       Not tested
QtNetwork works:                                  Not tested
QtSql works:                                      Not tested
QtSvg works:                                      Not tested
QtXml works:                                      Not tested
QtWebKit 1 works:                                 Not tested
QtWebkit 2 works:                                 Not tested
Qt 5 seems currently unusable on Mac. Notably, it seems there are many input 
related issues, like basic trackpad gestures not working. For instance, 
2-finger scrolling would select what's lies under the cursor while scrolling.

Is this package releasable?:                      No

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