*On to the Supreme Court: Status update on Roman Catholic
Archbishop, Little Sisters, and the other nonprofit contraception
accommodation cases*

Marty Lederman

Since I last wrote
about the nonprofit RFRA challenges to the government's contraceptive
coverage accommodation, a circuit split has developed, by virtue of a pair
of decisions by the U.S. Court of Appeals for Eighth Circuit--*Sharpe
Holdings, Inc. v. HHS
<>* and *Dordt
College v. Burwell <>*.
In each case, the court of appeals affirmed grants of preliminary
injunctions in favor of the RFRA claimants.  The court found that the
plaintiffs were likely to prevail on showing that the contraception
coverage accommodation substantially burdens their religious exercise.  As
for the "least restrictive means" part of the RFRA analysis, the court did
not assess the merits, but simply concluded that the government had not yet
offered evidence, at the p.i. stage, sufficient to carry its burden of
showing that denial of the requested exemptions would be the least
restrictive means of advancing what the court assumed to be a compelling
governmental interest.

Meanwhile, over in the Supreme Court, there are seven petitions for
*certiorari*pending, from cases decided by the D.C., Third, Fifth and Tenth
Circuits.  This afternoon, in its brief in opposition to
Nos. 15-105, *Little Sisters of the Poor v. Burwell, *and 15-119, *Southern
Nazarene Univ. v. Burwell*, the government informed the Court that
*certiorari* in an appropriate case is now warranted in order to resolve
the split created by the recent Eighth Circuit decisions.

As expected, the government argues that the most suitable vehicle for the
Court's review is Case No. 14-1505
, *Roman Catholic Archbishop of Washington v. Burwell.  *As I explained
and as the government elaborates in its brief
the*Roman Catholic Archbishop *petition is the best candidate for
*cert. *because
of several considerations, including that:

-- The case was decided on the merits (cross-motions for summary judgment),
not on a motion for preliminary relief.

-- The petitioners present the full range of insurance arrangements that
have given rise to RFRA claims in the nonprofit context, including insured
plans, self-insured plans, and self-insured church plans.  (As the opinions
in the recent Tenth Circuit case demonstrate, the RFRA analysis is very
different with respect to each distinct sort of plan.)  This petition also
involves both employee and student plans.

-- The petitioners object to the entire range of the 18 covered
contraception methods, not only the four at issue in *Hobby Lobby* and
other cases.

-- Judge Pillard's two opinions in favor of the government are very
thorough (and she addressed the statutory claim, as well).  The *en
banc* petition
in the case also prompted two distinct dissenting opinions, by Judges Brown
and Kavanaugh, which differ from one another in important respects.

-- Most importantly, the D.C. court of appeals, unlike the other courts of
appeals thus far, squarely and thoroughly addressed both the
substantial-burden and so-called "strict scrutiny" components of RFRA.

Moreover, the *Roman Catholic Archbishop* petitioners, represented by Noel
Francisco of Jones Day, have honed their arguments, especially on the
"substantial burden" question, to eliminate many that are easily countered
(including most of those I discuss here
and to emphasize those that are most likely to engage the Court.  (For what
it's worth, I have offered some preliminary thoughts on those arguments in
the final sections of this post
beginning with the section entitled "Substantial Burdens and Complicity.")

Some of the other petitions also have one or more of these virtues; but no
other has them all.

The Court originally was scheduled to consider some of the petitions--those
that are fully briefed--at its "long" conference tomorrow.  Last week,
however, it postponed consideration of those petitions, presumably so that
it can consider all seven of the pending petitions at a single conference.
With the government's filing today in *Little Sisters*, only one brief is
outstanding--the petitioner's reply brief in *Little Sisters *itself.  As
soon as that brief is filed, it is likely that the Court will set all of
the petitions for consolidated consideration, perhaps as early as at its
October 30 conference.
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