Yesterday I was struck by the coincidence of the discussion of the Phelps'
group's picketing at military funerals on the day that  Paul Tibbets' death
was being reported, as follows by a newswire service (AP, I think):

"COLUMBUS, Ohio  -  Paul Warfield Tibbets Jr., the pilot and commander of
the B-29 that dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan, died Thursday, a
spokesman said. He was 92.

Tibbets died at his Columbus home after a two month decline from a variety
of health problems, said Gerry Newhouse, a longtime friend. Tibbets had
requested no funeral and no headstone, fearing it would provide his
detractors with a place to protest, Newhouse said.

He said Tibbets wanted to be cremated, his ashes scattered, but his family
had not yet determined how he would be laid to rest."

Obviously whatever speech rule applies to the Phelps' despicable protests
has to apply to the protests that likely would have accompanied Tibbets'
funeral, which is why I bring it to the list's attention.

Kim Colby

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