Our club recently added a remote receiver and RF link to our club
repeater. We are using an ACC RC-850 controller at the repeater site.
We added an LDG RVS-8 voter so we would not have to use PL and to make
life easier for mobile users. 

Now we have a problem. When I set up the voter, the POTs that I must
adjust seem to have step functions, i.e. I can adjust to, say, 500 mV,
then the next slightest adjustment will immediately take me to, say, 3
V. I put the two receivers on channels 1 and 2 and found the step
occurred in both channels. This was perplexing. I called LDG tech
support and was told that maybe a POT was just dirty even though the
voter is brand new. So I tried again with the same result. Then I
switched the two receivers to channels 3 and 4. These POTs had the
same characteristic. There are two POTs per channel, so the problem is
there for eight POTs! At first blush, this looks as though LDG has a
large supply of defective POTs. 

So my question is, "Is there any way something external to the voter
could cause the voter POTs to behave this way?" I don't want to charge
LDG with using bad components if there is any chance that the problem
is caused by our receivers or controller. I don't see any way the
receivers or controller could cause the problem. What do you all


PS: The repeater receiver is in a Midland BaseTech II and the link
receiver is an Icom IC-F221S.
PPS: A further problem is that the maximum audio output of the RVS-8
is not adequate to modulate the BaseTech II transmitter (through the
RC-850) to any deviation above 1.7 kHz. I can solve this with an audio
amplifier or a change to the RC-850, but I would rather that the voter
did the job. This problem, too, could be caused by a bad POT. I am
sorry to say I did not measure the audio voltage out of the voter.

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