Bogner used to manufacture a null fill UHF base station antenna; I 
think it was called the "Penetrator."  If I remember correctly, Celwave 
manufactured a similar product.  Anyone out there ever use one of 
these?  If so, were they worth the money?

I recall they were very heavy and very expensive; I always wondered if 
they really did improve repeater coverage.  I see a few 800 & 900 MHz 
models in service; most likely being used by paging companies.  But I 
don't think that I've seen a UHF one in service lately.  In fact, the 
only ones I ever saw were in service at sites using transmitter & 
receiver combiners.  I think that they were very broadbanded.

I'd be interested in hearing from anyone who ever used one for a ham or 
GMRS repeater.  Are they still manufactured?



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