At 07:50 PM 11/21/07, you wrote:
>Does anyone have any information on interfacing to the old xx10 series
>of Icom repeaters?  ACC used to have an application note for the
>1.2ghz version.  Thanks!

There are MSF5000 and Mastr II articles in the 850 section of the
ACC page at
If anybody does have the Icom xx10 interfacing article we'll
make room for it there.

In case it was in ACC Notes, well, there's six issues on the ACC page.
There may have been more than 6 issues (for example we have nothing
from 1987, 1989 or 1990) , but that's what's there.
If the article you need is there, have fun!!!

If anybody has additional issues please forward them so they can
be PDFd and added to the collection.


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