tag 773346 pending

Date:   Thu Oct 26 16:18:19 2017 +0000
Author: intrigeri <intrig...@debian.org>
Commit ID: f2cc06d6696a35288f109681d57fd313b6334627
Commit URL: 
Patch URL: 

    Add AppArmor status in the bug reports (Closes: #773346)

    …using aa-enabled(1).

    aa-enabled is shipped in the apparmor binary package so this check is not 
    correct: technically, the AppArmor LSM can be enabled without the apparmor
    package being installed, and in this case we won't tell about it in the
    generated bug report. But for all practical matters, from reportbug's
    perspective, this corner case is equivalent to AppArmor being disabled: 
    apparmor_parser installed one can't compile and load policy into the 
kernel, so
    the LSM is essentially a no-op.

    Other, discarded options:

     - LibAppArmor.aa_is_enabled() would work, but it adds a dependency
       for little value; it's still an option on the table if the reportbug
       maintainers prefer not to shell out though.
     - checking /sys/module/apparmor/parameters/enabled would work, but it's too
       low-level for my taste.

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