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Young People Concerned at Tougher Dress Rules 

Mehdi Mahdavi Azad | Tehran | 18 September 2007

Iranian police are conducting a huge operation aimed at enforcing social order. 
Crackdowns on women who do not wear conservative Islamic dress and the arrests 
of so-called thugs are widespread and are being criticised by reformists and 
human rights advocates in the country.


Principalists See Khatami as Threat <> 

Sahar Zahedifar | Tehran | 11 September 2007

The possibility that former president Mohammad Khatami might return to power 
has become a major concern for "principalist" supporters President Mahmoud 
Ahmadinejad, and one that is constantly increasing as Iran moves forwards to 
the parliamentary election scheduled for March 2008.


The Iranian National Interest - The Reformists' View 

Mehdi Madbeigi | Tehran | 11 September 2007

In a society like Iran, which is passing from tradition to modernity and whose 
identity is very largely defined by the legacy of the Islamic Revolution, 
internal debate about national interest effectively shapes and determines the 
entire political sphere - not to mention its external relations.


Iranian National Interests - The Principlist View 

Alireza Darvish | Tehran | 10 September 2007

Nearly 30 years after the Islamic Revolution and after many ups and downs, the 
identities and differences between the main political parties, their 
theoretical beliefs and their power structures are now fully clear.


Book Censorship Rising in Iran <> 

Kamran Mohammadi | Tehran | 9 September 2007

After nearly a decade of tolerant cultural policies under former president 
Mohammad Khatami, book censorship appears to be on the rise in Iran.


Weekly Iran Media Report <> 




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