
Shall we move this discussion over to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  The list has
been quite lately, but the issues haven't gone away.  The repository group
Chair, Dion Gillard, is also a Maven team member.

Last I heard, Andrew Oliver was working on an XML structure to post, but I
don't recall seeing it.  [Dion: can we request that the repository@ archives
be added to eyebrowse, so that we can try to pick up closer to where we left

        --- Noel

-----Original Message-----
From: Sam Ruby [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, May 05, 2003 8:37
To: Private PMC mailing list for Avalon
Subject: Re: [Fwd: Re:]

Leo Simons wrote:
> Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:
>> Leo Simons wrote, On 05/05/2003 9.55:
>>>>   what the infrastructure team recommends, which atm revolves around
>>>> placing jars in the existing structure on
>>>> , which is not maven-friendly.
>> This is a Maven problem, not Avalon's. If Maven cannot use the
>> required Apache layout, then it should not be used or endorsed by
>> other Apache projects.
> disagree. The current asf distribution setup is suboptimal and
> non-normative. For one,
> avalon doesn't follow it. Each project has a slightly different layout.
> The dist layout
> is built for use and parsing by humans. Maven assumes the use of a repo
> which is
> not for use and parsing by humans, but code.

The question I personally would prefer to see addressed:

Is it possible to come up with a ASF hosted repository that is usable?

I personally would prefer that the question start there than to start
with the assumption that hosting outside of the ASF is the goal.

Define requirements and you will likely find the infrastructure team to
be responsive.

- Sam Ruby

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