
I'am using buildout and repoze.bfg. It worked fine until i came to the 
point where i tried to integrate repoze.what.

repoze.what is on pypi, repoze.who is on an own index server. Now i came 
up with a solution (please please document this somewhere), here the 
minimal buildout:

parts = instance
find-links = http://dist.repoze.org/bfg/1.0/
recipe = repoze.recipe.egg:scripts
eggs = repoze.what repoze.bfg

The major disadvantage over using the index= approach is: Version pinning 
is needed to be done manually (the extension buildout.dumppickedversions 
helps a lot here).

Why not put a version.cfg file at http://dist.repoze.org/bfg/1.0/
version.cfg for all files in there? It should be easy to auto-create such 
from the files in the directory. This would make repoze.bfg distributions 
more buildout-friendly and also documents explizit the dependend versions 
used in the specific bundle.

Additional i learned today the major difference between find-links and 
index in buildout (at the end in setuptools), as wiggy said:

   "find-links= expects a directory with files in it,  index= expects a
    directory with a subdirectory for every package"

Odd enough, but its setuptools.

Jens W. Klein - Klein & Partner KEG - BlueDynamics Alliance

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