Hello, everybody.

I'm pleased to announce that the first release candidate of repoze.what is 
out. Also, there was a minor last beta release a few days ago which was so 
small that it wasn't worth announcing.

Changes since Beta 1:
* Added support for read-only adapters.
* Fixed Python 3 deprecation warnings.

Hey, few changes between non-stable releases is a good thing :) There is one 
final backwards-incompatible change, though:
The arguments of `repoze.what.middleware.setup_auth` have changed slightly, 
but it won't affect you at all if you are using the repoze.what quickstart 
(nearly all TG2 developers).

On the other hand, there's also a new beta for the SQL plugin. Changes are:

* Fixed the broken test suite for Elixir, thanks to Helio Pereira.
* Updated repoze.what.plugins.quickstart.setup_sql_auth according
  to the backwards incompatible change on
  repoze.what.middleware.setup_auth introduced in repoze.what-1.0b2.
* Now it's possible to customize the authentication/identification cookie
  through repoze.what.plugins.quickstart.setup_sql_auth.
* Tons of minor bug fixes.

Finally, I would like to highlight the second repoze.what plugin. It adds 
support for groups and permissions stored in Ini files and it has been written 
by José Dinuncio:


PS: Stay tunned! I've already started working on repoze.what 1.5 and hopefully 
tomorrow I'll talk about the plans.
Gustavo Narea <http://gustavonarea.net/>.

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