New submission from Will Seaver <>:

the paster template I am most familiar with is bfg_zodb, correct? that seemed to
be the most accurate out of the ones listed.

In general, the format of .ini files is pretty opaque to me, even after reading
the chapter. How important is it that I obtain a working understanding of them?

p. 39: "That directory [MyProject] is a setuptools project directory from which
a setuptools distribution can be created." A distribution as in a way to
propagate the project to others?

p. 39: "This [../bin/python develop] will install the distribution
representing your applications into the interpreter's library set so it can be
found and run by PasteDeploy via the command paster serve" This enables the
application to talk to the server?

p. 40: What exactly is the interactive shell?

p. 42: " can run the application it represents using the paster serve
command against the generated configuration file. In our case, this file is
named MyProject.ini." Are both .ini and .zcml configuration files? This 
confused me.

p. 43: Will it ever be necessary for me to use an alternate WSGI server?

Definitions needed: wrapper (as in, p. 45: "The MyProject project is the
distribution and deployment wrapper for your application")
PasteDeploy (p. 45: "The MyProject.ini file is a PasteDeploy configuration 
middleware (p.46: " parameters that are shared by all the applications,
servers and middleware")
root factory (p. 53: "Line 6 is a root factory function that will be called by
the repoze.bfg Router...")
A good working definition of what "eggs" are would also help me greatly.

p. 53: - this file does the same thing as can be done in
imperatively-written view code?

messages: 350
nosy: kwseaver
priority: wish
status: unread
title: chapter 5
topic: bfg book

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