On Thu, 2010-05-06 at 22:22 +0800, Tim Hoffman wrote:
> Hi
> I am trying to run a combined global zca registry as per the docs
> http://docs.repoze.org/bfg/1.2/narr/zca.html.
> I am using the "Enabling the ZCA Global API by Using The ZCA Global
> Registry" option
> globalreg = getGlobalSiteManager()
> config = Configurator(registry=globalreg)
> config.setup_registry(settings=settings)
> Unfortunately Configurator.make_wsgi_app calls self.registry.notify
> (line 418 of Configurator.py)
> however a zope.component.globalregistry.BaseGlobalComponents doesn't
> have a notify method so it barfs ;-)

Thanks.  In the meantime, please do:

globalreg = getGlobalSiteManager()
config = Configurator(registry=globalreg)

This monkeypatches the registry so it has a notify method.

- C

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