2018-05-11 09:54 EDT, Rasa Bočytė <rboc...@beeldengeluid.nl>:

> A couple of questions:
> - apart from tracing the server, do I need to trace any other processes to
> ensure that I can reproduce the experiment?
> - how do I ensure that my package includes all the website data? I tried
> running a php inbuilt server (reprozip trace php -S localhost:8000 -t
> path/to/the/website/files) and the finished package only captured data from
> the web pages that I visited while running the experiment.
> - can I somehow include the browser needed to run the website into the
> package?

Hi Rasa,

Apologies for the delay. To answer your question, when using LAMP you would
need to trace both Apache (which would capture the PHP interpreter, since
it is embedded as a module) and MySQL (you can see Capturing Connections to
Servers <https://docs.reprozip.org/en/1.0.x/packing.html#packing-clientserv>
for more information).

Only the PHP files you visited will be traced by ReproZip, however you can
add the whole site folder (usually under /var/www) and MySQL data folder (
/var/lib/mysql) to the additional_files section of the configuration file
if you don't want to visit every single page (make sure to visit some of
them to get all the libraries and database connections involved).

Let us know if you have more questions!
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