As you may have noticed, there is a fair amount of activity around the 
sponsor program at the moment.  So it's a good time to highlight some 
aspects of the program for new and old sponsors alike:

- There is one definitive list of requests:

- This list is updated when email is sent to this mailing list:

   - A contributor sends email requesting a sponsor.
   - A sponsor sends email saying he/she will pick up the request.
   - A sponsor or other Sun person sends email with status changes
     if the request is to be closed or suspended or if the cat/
     subcat changes.

- There are two internal tables used for internal tracking: a copy
   of the 'awaiting sponsor' data in a different form; a copy of the
   'in progress' data in a different form.

- About the 'oss-request' keyword:

   - Usually: when a request comes through, the 'oss-request' keyword
     is added to the bug in bugster.  However, this is a manual
     process, so sometimes an update in bugster gets missed.  If a
     sponsor picks up such a bug, he/she is free to add the
     'oss-request' keyword.

   - When a Sun engineer comes across a bug marked with this keyword,
     he/she is supposed to check the request-sponsor table and
     contact the contributor who made the request before working on
     the bug.

   - This keyword is supposed to be removed from bugs when a request
     is 'suspended'.

- About the 'oss-sponsor' keyword:

   - Usually: when a sponsor picks up a request, that person adds
     the 'oss-sponsor' keyword to the bug in bugster.  But needless
     to say, that step also sometimes gets missed.

   - This keyword is supposed to be removed from bugs when a request
     that was in progress is moved to 'suspended' or 'closed'.


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