could you mark 6909579 as "awaiting sponsor request"? We already have
a _tested_ patch and need a sponsor only.

2009/12/17 ????? ???????????? <olga.kryzhanovska at>:
> Bonnie,
> could you try to find a sponsor before xmas, please? We need a sponsor
> soon to avoid having too many patches per sponsor.
> 2009/12/11 ????? ???????????? <olga.kryzhanovska at>:
>> Bonnie,
>> this is not a single fix, this is a collection of small bug fixes
>> which are all independent, including 6900314.
>> The project team just believes it is faster to combine and test them
>> together to deliver the fixes in one of the next builds. The only
>> outstanding task is testing for which we require a sponsor who is able
>> to run the VSC test suite
>> [].
>> Re 6800113, 6790507, 6631969: Yes, we are interested in fixing these
>> bugs, although 6790507 appears to blocked by political issues and not
>> technical problems. The code for 6790507 has already been integrated
>> with ksh update 2, only the packaging changes were omitted.
>> On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 12:32 AM, Bonnie Corwin <Bonnie.Corwin at> 
>> wrote:
>>> These have been added to the awaiting sponsor list.
>>> Note that I moved 6900314 back to the awaiting list because this email
>>> indicates that the fix for it is part of this larger set of work.
>>> Also, I put three other ksh93 bugs back on the awaiting list.  These are the
>>> three that were initially going to be part of the update2 putback and were
>>> pulled from that.  I assume someone would like a sponsor for those as well,
>>> but if that's not true, let me know, and I'll take them off the list:
>>> 6800113, 6790507, 6631969.
>>> Thanks.
>>> Bonnie
>>> On 12/ 9/09 11:10 AM, ????? ???????????? wrote:
>>>> This is a request for sponsors for fixing the following list of bugs:
>>>> BUG ID: 6904557
>>>> BUG Synopsis: wc no longer counts number of bytes correctly
>>>> BUG ID:  6904575
>>>> BUG Synopsis: cut -d with multibyte character no longer works
>>>> BUG ID: 6904597
>>>> BUG Synopsis: paste -d no longer works with multibyte characters
>>>> BUG ID:  6904780
>>>> BUG Synopsis: usr/bin/chksum changed output in snv_128
>>>> BUG ID: 6904870
>>>> BUG Synopsis: uniq -s does not skip multibyte characters correctly
>>>> BUG ID: 6904878
>>>> BUG Synopsis: join -t no longer works with multibyte char separator
>>>> The same patch will fix the the P1 STOPPER bug:
>>>> BUG ID: 6900314
>>>> BUG Synopsis: (while true ; do true | true ; done) hang in ioctl() with
>>>> Name: Olga Kryzhanovska
>>>> Opensolaris user name: fleyta
>>>> SCA ID: #OS0402
>> --
>>      ,   _                                    _   ,
>>     { \/`o;====-    Olga Kryzhanovska   -====;o`\/ }
>> .----'-/`-/     olga.kryzhanovska at   \-`\-'----.
>>  `'-..-| /     Solaris/BSD//C/C++ programmer   \ |-..-'`
>>      /\/\                                     /\/\
>>      `--`                                      `--`
> --
>      ,   _                                    _   ,
>     { \/`o;====-    Olga Kryzhanovska   -====;o`\/ }
> .----'-/`-/     olga.kryzhanovska at   \-`\-'----.
>  `'-..-| /     Solaris/BSD//C/C++ programmer   \ |-..-'`
>      /\/\                                     /\/\
>      `--`                                      `--`

      ,   _                                    _   ,
     { \/`o;====-    Olga Kryzhanovska   -====;o`\/ }
.----'-/`-/     olga.kryzhanovska at   \-`\-'----.
 `'-..-| /     Solaris/BSD//C/C++ programmer   \ |-..-'`
      /\/\                                     /\/\
      `--`                                      `--`

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