On Tue, 11 Apr 2006 11:49:50 +1000
henryg-opensolaris at optimation.com.au wrote:

> The explanation of what the problem is and why this fix works is a bit
> more complicated.
> I'm happy to provide anything and everything you might require, but
> I'm trying to keep this email brief in case I get no response.

I'll sponser work on this bug.  Send me your complete evaluation (explanation
of your fix).

> While our attention is on logadm, there is another bug which I have
> reported before, but which also seems to have been ignored. 

If you have a fix for it send me the bug number, fix, and evaluation.
It sounds like it would make sense to do them at the same time.

> Please let me know how to proceed.


> Regards,
> Henry
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