Hi all.

I(Avinash Joshi - OS0142) am working with Surendran (OS0162) on the bug 6323746
I have made some small changes in the way message is printed..The fix
is tested by doing a dmake in /usr/src/cmd/oamuser/user

This bug is still awaiting a sponsor.
Please do update the request sponsor table (
http://opensolaris.org/os/bug_reports/request_sponsor/ ) with my name

Bug ID - 6323746
Synopsis - useradd -m -d dir will work if [dir] exists and is a file,
creating a user with a file as home dir.
Category:Subcategory - utility:configuration

I am submitting the fix for this bug...
Please do review it and let me know.

I did a dmake and here is the test for it

# touch /export/home/test
# ./useradd -m -d /export/home/test test
UX: ./useradd: ERROR: /export/home/test exists, but is not a directory.

Thanks & Regards,
Avinash Joshi
Blog: http://avinashtjoshi.wordpress.com/
Site: http://avinashtjoshi.googlepages.com/
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