}We have a fix for the bug 6561465. We are attacing the diff file
}Abhilash wrote: 
}I abhilash and arjun, Students of amrita university would lioke to work on the
}bug  6561465 . My sca number is oso183 and arjuns is oso211. 
}The synopsis is
}The file /usr/lib/help/auths/locale/C/SmfAutofsStates.html has a typo.
}The text says "Authorizations Include" and should say "Authorizations
}Looking at file in smc and the reason is obvious.

Sun Microsystems - India Engineering Centre
-------------- next part --------------

Fix is good.
Please send a mailto request-sponsor with the fix.


On Wed, 30 Jan 2008 10:31 -0000, manjula pc - Sun Microsystems - 

}-------- Original Message --------
}Subject:       Fix for bug-6561465
}Date:  Tue, 29 Jan 2008 11:56:44 +0530 (IST)
}From:  Abhilash <abhilash_05cse01 at students.amrita.ac.in>
}To:    manjula pc - Sun Microsystems - Bangalore India <Manjula.Pc at Sun.COM>
}We have a fix for the bug 6561465. We are attacing the diff file
}Abhilash wrote: 
}I abhilash and arjun, Students of amrita university would lioke to work on the
}bug  6561465 . My sca number is oso183 and arjuns is oso211. 
}The synopsis is
}The file /usr/lib/help/auths/locale/C/SmfAutofsStates.html has a typo.
}The text says "Authorizations Include" and should say "Authorizations
}Looking at file in smc and the reason is obvious.

Sun Microsystems - India Engineering Centre
-------------- next part --------------
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