# Bug/RFE ID: 6713844
# Synopsis: luupgrade skipped inetd.xml update in non-global zones
# Your full name: Gary Mills
# Number assigned to your Sun Contributor Agreement: OS0363

I've fixed this one.  Nobody responded to my last request.
Can I get a sponsor?

Before my fix, when I enabled the inetd service after importing a
faulty manifest, it issued one message and then dumped core:

    Sep  9 11:39:21 ati inetd[100926]: [ID 702911 daemon.error] Property 
'connection_backlog' of instance 
svc:/network/rpc-100235_1/rpc_ticotsord:default is missing, inconsistent or 

It was indeed a double free() error.

After the fix, it issues two messages and then continues running:

    Sep 10 21:35:54 ati inetd[101329]: [ID 702911 daemon.error] Property 
'connection_backlog' of instance svc:/network/rpc/gss:default is missing, 
inconsistent or invalid
    Sep 10 21:35:54 ati inetd[101329]: [ID 702911 daemon.error] Invalid 
configuration for instance svc:/network/rpc/gss:default, placing in maintenance

My webrev is at: http://cr.opensolaris.org/~jgmills/ws-6713844/

-Gary Mills-        -Unix Group-        -Computer and Network Services-

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