
All praises are due to Allah Jalla wa Alla. May peace and blessings be upon
our Prophet Muhammad ibn Abdillah (SAW).

Amma Ba'du.

Ignore all SMS yang ada message suruh baca ayat itu baca zikir ini 452.63
kali. because 99.9999999999% of the content in all SMS yang macam tu takda
basis dalam quran and the sunnah and was never done by the prophet
(salallahu 'alaihi wa sallam), the sahabah and also the people who follow
them in good.

and DO NOT SPREAD THEM AROUND for you might be guilty of spreading bida'ah
(innovation) and Allah will question you in the hereafter of your
contribution to spread bid'aah eventhough through SMS. Subhanallah what a

for this is an innovation that ALLAAH will not accept as ibadah. because the
prophet (salallahu 'alaihi wa sallam) said:

منْ عمِل عملا ليس عليه اَمرنا فهو ردّ
"Barangsiapa yang melakukan suatu amalan yang tidak ada perintahnya dari
kami, maka tertolak."

in another narration, the prophet (salallahu 'alaihi wa sallam)
من أحدث في أمرنا هذا ما ليس مِنه فهوردٌّ
"Barang siapa yang membuat perkara baru dalam urusan agama yang tidak ada
sumbernya maka tertolak." (HR. Bukhari dan Muslim)

و شرّ الأمور محدثاتها، و كلَّ محدثة بدعة
"Dan seburuk-buruk perkara adalah sesuatu yang diada-adakan adalah bid'ah."
(HR. Muslim no. 867)

Dan sabda nabi shollallahu 'alaihi wa sallam,
قإنّ كلَّ محدثة بدعة و كلّ بدعة ضلالة
"Karena setiap perkara yang baru (yang diada-adakan) adalah bid'ah dan
setiap bid'ah adalah sesat." (HR. Tirmidzi dan Abu Daud)

And Allah the Almighty have explained this matter in the most explicit and
clear manner when He said:
"Pada hari ini telah Kusempurnakan untuk kamu agamamu, dan telah Ku-cukupkan
kepadamu nikmat-Ku, dan telah Ku-ridhai Islam itu jadi agama bagimu." (Al
Maidah: 3).

and remember that the prophet (salallahu 'alaihi wa sallam) have reminded us
"Tidak tersisa sesuatu pun yang mendekatkan ke surga dan menjauhkan dari
neraka melainkan telah dijelaskan kepadamu." (HR. Thabrani, sanadnya

so jangan confuse lagi. the principle is simple. whatever is not QalAllaah
and Qalarasulullah is indeed EVIL.

as for boycotting products and the so called brands. i advice myself and all
of you not to boycott anything without seeing the evidence that these so
called product/brands are helping the israel laknatullah war machine. even
if it's true, we must look at the proof (bukti, dalil yang sah) before
making any decision to boycott. don't these
'boycotting-suka-hati-kononnya-supporting-muslim-people' realize when they
boycott tesco, mcdougals and others, that these franchise business are owned
by malaysians who might be muslims. even if they are not, the employee that
worked for them in all the mcdougals restaurant chains, the majority are
muslims. same goes to tesco. aku dok beli ayam kat situ dah berapa tahun,
and tesco have made it known in their promotion that all the chicken they
are selling comes from a muslim poultry entrepeneur.. yes MUSLIM. boycotting
them means
boycotting your own muslim brother. subhanallah.

and do watch this video a very excellent explanation by Dr Muhammad Salah
about the situation in ghaza, according to what has been written in the
Quran and Sunnah and also the ways for us to contribute in
helping our muslim brothers and sisters in ghaza.

May Allah forgive our sins and guide us to the Straight Path.

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