On Monday 23 October 2006 10:52, Josh Helmer wrote:
> I know this has been discussed before, but I am still having a few issues
> with it here.  I am doing work on an app where we use Hibernate for the
> persistence layer.  We have a couple of client apps that use EJB's.

Um... too vague...  let me clarify a little.  We use remote stateless session 
beans.  The client sends a request and we use hibernate to load the relevant 
data and then return it to the client.

> The 
> issue that I am having is that with Hibernate if I have a lazy-loaded
> collection Hessian bombs out horribly (It internally catches the
> LazyInitializationException but then it writes the fault out to the stream.
> The client parser errors out because it does not expect to see a fault in
> the middle of the stream.  Same problem occurs with Burlap.)
> >From the archives it looks like there are a couple of suggestions:  1.
> readResolve()/writeReplace() code.  2. do not include the hibernate jars in
> the client or set the sendCollectionType option (seems you must still fully
> initialize all collections though which is a problem for me)  3. Implement
> a custom SerializerFactory.
> For my purposes, it looks like option 3 is the best one for me.  The
> collections that are lazy-loaded will not be accessed outside a session and
> if any attempts are made to access the data in the session I just want to
> throw an Exception.   Seems easy enough...  Unfortunately, I am having
> problems determining exactly how to actually set it up.   From what I read,
> I should be able to implement an AbstractSerializerFactory and then
> register that with hessian.   Unfortunately, when using the EJBServlet the
> QSerializerFactory is hardcoded into the HibernateWriter and is not
> accessible   Am I just overlooking something?
> Thanks,
> Josh
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