> Hi list. It seems that Resin will load and initiate Servlet 3.0 
> web-fragment.xml before it loads and initiates any .tld files - including 
> <listener>s therein - within the same .jar.
> This results in the AutoProbe module of http://messadmin.sourceforge.net/ 
> causing exceptions, because it assumes the servlet context listener defined 
> in it's taglib-autoprobe.tld has had it's contextInitialized() called before 
> the filter in 
> web-fragment.xml has it's init() called.
> This works fine in JBoss, and I'm wondering if anyone knows what the specs 
> has to say about this?
> Is Resin at fault, or could MessAdmin be relying on something that simply is 
> not defined by specs?

Hi Mattias, 

I am filing a bug for this: http://bugs.caucho.com/view.php?id=5659 , thanks 
for reporting!

Can you try redefining the listener in your application’s web.xml as a work 


> -- 
>   </Mattias>
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