I am experiencing a problem in resin 4.0.16 where resin is not expanding 
the ROOT.war file if I explicitly define the root webapp in resin.xml 
file.  In resin.xml, I have the tag "<web-app id="/" 
root-directory="webapps/ROOT"/>" defined under my "<host>" tag.  I also 
have the tag "<web-app-deploy path="webapps" versioning="true"/>" 
defined under my "<host-default>" tag.

When I update the ROOT.war file in my "webapps" directory, the war file 
is not being expanded into the webapps/ROOT directory.  I have tried 
both shutting down resin, updating the ROOT.war file and then starting 
resin, and I've tried updating ROOT.war while resin is running.

If I remove the tag "<web-app id="/" root-directory="webapps/ROOT"/>" 
from the resin.xml file, then ROOT.war expansion occurs.

Do I need to add an attribute to the <web-app id="/" 
root-directory="webapps/ROOT"/> tag to get the war file to expand?

Also, what is the difference between the attribute "root-directory" and 
"document-directory" in the <web-app> tag?  I noticed in the resin 
documentation that "root-directory" is mentioned in the list of 
attributes but "document-directory" is not on the following page:


But, if you look at the examples, they all show "<web-app id='/apache' 


Keith Fetterman                        Direct: 206-319-9434
Mariner Supply, Inc.                   206-780-5670
http://www.go2marine.com               kfetter...@go2marine.com


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