Hi all,
I'm working to try and diagnose some issues we're seeing with an existing application that's being moved from Resin 3.1.7a to Resin 4. So far we have tested on versions 4.0.20 and 4.0.31 and have seen the same issue.

The application uses Spring 3.0.4 and Struts 1.2.8 with Tiles. It currently uses c:import tags to insert tiles content in some cases, which worked fine in Resin 3.1.7a, but has caused exceptions in both Resin 4 versions. The error messages look something like:

[15:24:10,597] FATAL - "Error ID: Error Msg:Unhandled exception 'javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: ServletException in '/pages/tiles/page1.jsp': ServletException in '/tiles/search/search.jsp': c:import status code 401 recieved while serving /tiles/search/page2.jsp' for request '/admin/page'

As you can see, there's a bunch of nesting going on. Using a jsp:include instead of the c:import clears up the issue, but we're trying to get to the root cause before we settle on a solution. We were hoping somebody else might have seen this.

Matt Pangaro

resin-interest mailing list

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