you'll find my 2 xml conf (resin 4.0.13)

- resin.xml is the front server, I have 1 front for 2 app-tier clusters, one cluster is for the application, the other if for images only servers

- is the conf for application app-tier, I did not set any http service for this because I never access it directly. (but you have to if you use resin-admin)

I don't use automatic deployement or elastic server yet, but I think I'll try this on the new version of resin.

good luck

On 09/11/12 09:52, Rick Mann wrote:

On Nov 9, 2012, at 0:19 , Riccardo Cohen <> wrote:

Hello Rick
I haven't worked a lot on this, but if you want I can provide my
resin.xml : in my application I have one resin front loadbalancer, with
N application servers (all IP are known) and potentially 2 mysql db
servers .

I use resin 4.0.13 pro on linux debian

Thanks, Riccardo, couldn't hurt!

Riccardo Cohen
+33 (0)6 09 83 64 49
1 rue de la Monnaie
37000 Tours

   - Resin 4.0 configuration file for a clustered/load-balance environment
<resin xmlns="";

  <!-- adds all .jar files under the resin/lib directory -->
    <tree-loader path="${resin.home}/ext-lib"/>
    <tree-loader path="${resin.root}/ext-lib"/>

    <tree-loader path="${resin.home}/lib"/>
    <tree-loader path="${resin.root}/lib"/>

     - jars with maven dependencies can be placed in project-jars to be used
     - by web-apps
  <resin:ProjectJarRepository path="${resin.root}/project-jars"/>

     - Resin-managed data, including sessions, administration, and clustering
     - Remote management requires at least one enabled admin user.
    <resin:import path="${resin.root}/conf/admin-users.xml" optional="true"/>

     - Logging configuration for the JDK logging API.
  <log-handler name="" level="info" path="/home/webapps.tmp/realty/logs/jvm.log"
     timestamp="[%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%s] {%{thread}} "

     - 'info' for production
     - 'fine' or 'finer' for development and troubleshooting
  <logger name="com.caucho" level="info"/>
  <logger name="" level="config"/>
  <logger name="com.caucho.loader" level="config"/>
  <logger name="com.caucho.sql" level="info"/>
  <logger name="com.caucho.amber" level="info"/>
  <logger name="com.caucho.server.http" level="info"/>
  <stdout-log path='/home/webapps.tmp/realty/logs/jvm.log' timestamp="OUT[%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%s] {%{thread}} "/>
  <stderr-log path='/home/webapps.tmp/realty/logs/jvm.log' timestamp="ERR[%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%s] {%{thread}} "/>

     - For production sites, change dependency-check-interval to something
     - like 600s, so it only checks for updates every 10 minutes.

     - SMTP server for sending mail notifications
  <system-property mail.smtp.port="25"/>

     - Sets the default character encoding to utf-8

     - You can change the compiler to "javac", "eclipse" or "internal".
  <javac compiler="javac" args=""/>

    <!-- standard servlet behavior, including .jsp, .php, and WEB-INF -->
    <resin:import path="${resin.root}/conf/app-default.xml"/>
       - Admin services
    <resin:if test="${resin.professional}">

  <cluster id="realty">
    <!-- sets the content root for the cluster, relative to resin.root -->

    <!-- enables development error pages 
      <!-- The http port 
      <http address="*" port="80"/>
      <!-- SSL port configuration: 
      <http address="*" port="8443">
         - The JVM arguments
         - Uncomment to enable admin heap dumps
         - <jvm-arg>-agentlib:resin</jvm-arg>
	 - Uncomment for low-memory overhead
         - <jvm-arg>-Dcaucho.smallmem</jvm-arg>

         - arguments for the watchdog process

         - Configures the minimum free memory allowed before Resin
         - will force a restart.

      <!-- Maximum number of threads. -->

      <!-- Configures the socket timeout -->

      <!-- Configures the keepalive -->

         - If starting Resin as root on Unix, specify the user name
         - and group name for the web server user.
      <resin:if test="${resin.userName == 'root'}">

    <!-- define the servers in the cluster -->
    <server id="realty1" address="" port="10001"/>

       - For security, use a different cookie for SSL sessions.
       - <ssl-session-cookie>SSL_JSESSIONID</ssl-session-cookie>

       - Enables the cache (available in Resin Professional) 
    <resin:if test="${resin.professional}">
    <cache path="cache" memory-size="64M">
       Vary header rewriting for IE 
       - Enables periodic checking of the server status and
       - check for deadlocks..
       - All servers can add <url>s to be checked.
    <resin:if test="${resin.professional}">

       - Defaults applied to each web-app.
           - Enable EL expressions in Servlet and Filter init-param
         - Sets timeout values for cacheable pages, e.g. static pages.
      <cache-mapping url-pattern="/" expires="5s"/>
      <cache-mapping url-pattern="*.gif" expires="600s"/>
      <cache-mapping url-pattern="*.jpg" expires="600s"/>
      <cache-mapping url-pattern="*.png" expires="600s"/>
      <cache-mapping url-pattern="*.css" expires="600s"/>
      <cache-mapping url-pattern="*.swf" expires="600s"/>
      <cache-mapping url-pattern="*.js" expires="600s"/>
      <cache-mapping url-pattern="*.pdf" expires="600s"/>

         - for security, disable session URLs by default.

         - For security, set the HttpOnly flag in cookies.
         - <cookie-http-only/>

         - Some JSP packages have incorrect .tld files.  It's possible to
         - set validate-taglib-schema to false to work around these packages.
      <jsf fast-jsf='false'/>

       - Sample database pool configuration
       - The JDBC name is java:comp/env/jdbc/test
           <driver type="org.mysql.jdbc.Driver">

       - Default host configuration applied to all virtual hosts.
         - With another web server, like Apache, this can be commented out
         - because the web server will log this information.
      <access-log path="log/access.log" 
            format='%h %l %u %t "%r" %s %b "%{Referer}i" "%{User-Agent}i"'

      <!-- creates the webapps directory for .war expansion 
      <web-app-deploy path="webapps"/>

    <!-- configures a deployment directory for virtual hosts -->
    <host-deploy path="hosts">
        <resin:import path="host.xml" optional="true"/>

    <!-- configures the default host, matching any host name -->
    <host id=""> <!--root-directory="."-->
         - configures an explicit root web-app matching the
         - webapp's ROOT
      <web-app id="/" root-directory="webapps/ROOT"/>

           - Administration application /resin-admin
      <web-app id="/resin-admin" root-directory="${resin.root}/doc/admin">
          <resin:set var="resin_admin_external" value="false"/>
          <resin:set var="resin_admin_insecure" value="true"/>

      <web-app id="/resin-config" root-directory="${resin.root}/doc/config"/>
      <web-app id="/resin-doc" root-directory="${resin.root}/doc/resin-doc"/>
        <library-loader path="/home/webapps/realty/WEB-INF/lib/google"/>

<web-app id="/" 
      <init-param zeroDateTimeBehavior="convertToNull"/>
      <init-param jdbcCompliantTruncation="false"/>
      <init-param characterEncoding="utf8" />
  <ejb-server data-source="realty/jdbc" create-database-schema="false"/>
      <init-param zeroDateTimeBehavior="convertToNull"/>
      <init-param jdbcCompliantTruncation="false"/>
      <init-param characterEncoding="utf8" />
    <!-- The cookie JSESSIONID must be the same for pro and www (for InterAgencies) -->

  <servlet servlet-name="globalaction" servlet-class="realty.Globalaction">

  <servlet servlet-name="urlmanager" servlet-class="realty.Urlmanager">
  <servlet servlet-name="flextestrequests" servlet-class="reatest.Flextest">
  <servlet servlet-name="flexadminrequests" servlet-class="realty.Flexadmin">
  <servlet servlet-name="flexaccountprorequests" servlet-class="realty.Flexaccountpro">
  <servlet servlet-name="flexaccountproiarequests" servlet-class="realty.FlexaccountproIa">
  <servlet servlet-name="javascriptactions" servlet-class="realty.Jsactions">
  <servlet servlet-name="javascriptsearch" servlet-class="realty.Jssearch">
  <servlet servlet-name="jsaccountrequests" servlet-class="realty.Jsaccount">
  <servlet servlet-name="filesactions" servlet-class="realty.Filesactions">

  <servlet-mapping url-regexp="/fr-.*" servlet-name="urlmanager"/>
  <servlet-mapping url-regexp="/en-.*" servlet-name="urlmanager"/>
  <servlet-mapping url-pattern="/fr/*" servlet-name="urlmanager"/>
  <servlet-mapping url-pattern="/en/*" servlet-name="urlmanager"/>
  <servlet-mapping url-pattern="/test/*" servlet-name="urlmanager"/>
  <servlet-mapping url-pattern="/command/*" servlet-name="urlmanager"/>
  <servlet-mapping url-regexp="/sitemap.*" servlet-name="urlmanager"/>
  <servlet-mapping url-pattern="/robots.txt" servlet-name="urlmanager"/>
  <servlet-mapping url-pattern="/admin" servlet-name="urlmanager"/>
  <servlet-mapping url-pattern="/adminimportfiles" servlet-name="urlmanager"/>
  <servlet-mapping url-pattern="/swftest/*" servlet-name="flextestrequests"/>
  <servlet-mapping url-pattern="/swfadmin/*" servlet-name="flexadminrequests"/>
  <servlet-mapping url-pattern="/swfaccountpro/*" servlet-name="flexaccountprorequests"/>
  <servlet-mapping url-pattern="/swfaccountproia/*" servlet-name="flexaccountproiarequests"/>
  <servlet-mapping url-pattern="/jsactions/*" servlet-name="javascriptactions"/>
  <servlet-mapping url-pattern="/jssearch/*" servlet-name="javascriptsearch"/>
  <servlet-mapping url-pattern="/jsaccount/*" servlet-name="jsaccountrequests"/>
  <servlet-mapping url-pattern="/filesactions/*" servlet-name="filesactions"/>
  <path-mapping url-pattern='/.administration/*' real-path='nowhere'/>
  <path-mapping url-pattern='/.settings/*' real-path='nowhere'/>

  <multipart-form enable='true' upload-max='5M'/>


  <!-- Frequent cron tasks -->
  <scheduled-task class="reacron.Statsmanager">
    <cron>* * * * *</cron>
  <scheduled-task class="reacron.Cleancache">
    <cron>1 * * * *</cron>
  <scheduled-task class="reacron.Randpropinfo">
    <cron>3 * * * *</cron>
  <!-- Night cron tasks -->
  <scheduled-task class="reacron.CleanLogs">
    <cron>00 20 * * *</cron>
  <scheduled-task class="reacron.Cleanprops">
    <cron>00 22 * * *</cron>
  <scheduled-task class="reacron.Cleanmembers">
    <cron>10 22 * * *</cron>
  <!-- after backup, all imports and -->
  <scheduled-task class="reacron.CleanGeocache">
    <cron>40 4 * * *</cron>
  <scheduled-task class="reacron.Cleanimages">
    <cron>45 4 * * *</cron>
  <scheduled-task class="reacron.Alertmanager"><!-- must be after midnight for ia alert-->
    <cron>50 4 * * *</cron>
  <scheduled-task class="reacron.Cleanstats"><!-- must be after midnight to count all stats for yesterday-->
    <cron>10 5 * * *</cron>
  <scheduled-task class="reacron.ExternalData"><!-- must be after midnight to get Analytics stats for yesterday-->
    <cron>15 5 * * *</cron>
  <scheduled-task class="reacron.StatsUbiflow"><!-- must be done after CleanStats and ExternalData-->
    <cron>00 6 * * *</cron>
  <!-- weekly cron tasks -->
  <scheduled-task class="reacron.AddressCounter">
    <cron>0 5 * * 0</cron><!-- sunday morning after imports -->



   - Resin 3.2 configuration file.
<resin xmlns="";

  <!-- adds all .jar files under the resin/lib directory -->
    <tree-loader path="${resin.home}/ext-lib"/>
    <tree-loader path="${resin.root}/ext-lib"/>

    <tree-loader path="${resin.home}/lib"/>
    <tree-loader path="${resin.root}/lib"/>

  <log-handler name="" level="info" path="/home/webapps.tmp/front/logs/jvm.log"
               timestamp="[%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%s] {%{thread}} "/>
  <logger name="com.caucho" level="info"/>
  <logger name="" level="config"/>
  <logger name="com.caucho.loader" level="config"/>
  <logger name="com.caucho.sql" level="all"/>
  <logger name="com.caucho.amber" level="info"/>
  <logger name="com.caucho.server.http" level="info"/>

     - For production sites, change dependency-check-interval to something
     - like 600s, so it only checks for updates every 10 minutes.

  <cluster id="web-tier">
      <http address="*" port="80"/>
      <http address="*" port="443">
      <cache-mapping url-pattern="/" expires="5s"/>
      <cache-mapping url-pattern="*.gif" expires="60s"/>
      <cache-mapping url-pattern="*.jpg" expires="60s"/>
      <cache-mapping url-pattern="*.png" expires="60s"/>
      <cache-mapping url-pattern="*.swf" expires="60s"/>
    <server id="realty1front" address=""/>
    <!-- needs resin pro <cache disk-size="1024M" memory-size="256M"/> -->
    <resin:import path="${RESIN_HOME}/conf/app-default.xml"/>
    <host id="" root-directory="/home/webapps/fronthost" >
      <web-app id="/"
          <load-balance regexp="" cluster="app-tier"/>
    <host id="" root-directory="/home/webapps/fronthostmedia" >
      <web-app id="/" 
          <load-balance regexp="" cluster="img-tier"/>

  <cluster id="app-tier">
    <server id="realty1" address="" port="10001"/>
  <cluster id="img-tier">
    <server id="realtymedia1" address="" port="20001"/>


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