I have a simple app that uses a jsp to display an image created via a java
It tests fine in the IDE with tomcat, but when deployed to resin, the image
is "broken" , or just doesn't display, depending on the browser.

Is there some other config I need to make this work.

The main body of the jsp is below:

        <jsp:useBean id="link" class = "gwm.GWMgrConfig" />
        <h1>Holidex GateWay Monitor</h1>
        <h1>@ <%= link.getSysname() %></h1>
        <img src="GwmChart" border=1 width=400 height=300/>

        <table border="0">

I've tried as ./GwmChart and just /GwmChart  both of which work in tomcat
when ran through the ide, but nothing will display the image via resin.


Steve Francis

IHG Office:  770-442-7157
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