Hi all,

I have had this issue for the longest time and I'm just curious what  
the easy way to take care of this.

This is my current logging statement in the config:

   <log name="" path="stdout:" timestamp="[%H:%M:%S.%s] ">
     <logger name="com.caucho" level="config"/>

and I have the following two config lines:

    <stdout-log path='log/stdout.log' rollover-size='10mb'/>
     <stderr-log path='log/stderr.log' rollover-size='10mb'/>

Somehow, my stdout.log is logging the same stuff twice, like this:

[15:41:49.368] Linux 2.6.9-55.0.2.plus.c4 i386
[15:41:49.368] Linux 2.6.9-55.0.2.plus.c4 i386
[15:41:49.369] Java 1.5.0_12-b04, 32, mixed mode, UTF-8, en, Sun  
Microsystems Inc.
[15:41:49.370] Java 1.5.0_12-b04, 32, mixed mode, UTF-8, en, Sun  
Microsystems Inc.
[15:41:49.371] user.name: resin
[15:41:49.371] user.name: resin
[15:41:49.372] resin.home = /apps/resin
[15:41:49.373] resin.home = /apps/resin
[15:41:49.374] root.directory = /var/resin
[15:41:49.374] root.directory = /var/resin
[15:41:49.375] resin.conf = /apps/conf/resin/resin.conf
[15:41:49.376] resin.conf = /apps/conf/resin/resin.conf
[15:41:49.466] Loaded Socket JNI library.
[15:41:49.467] Loaded Socket JNI library.
[15:41:49.486] hmux listening to localhost.localdomain:6800
[15:41:49.487] hmux listening to localhost.localdomain:6800

I know I'm doing something wrong, but I'm not sure what it is.  I  
tried taking away the <logger> statement but then that simply just  
removes all the logging.  Maybe you can spot the mistake I'm doing.



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