I use a product called regex buddy.  Java regexes are different than perl
regexes, which are different than Unix, PCRE, Xpath, .NET....

I'm not a regex expert so sorry I couldn't be of more help, but that tool is
immensely helpful.


On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 12:59 AM, SpliFF <splif...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all. I have some sites I'm moving from CF/JRun to Railo/Resin3.1.9.
> I'm using Apache 2.0 with the caucho connector. I'm struggling with the
> resin.conf setup. My goal is to only setup Apache for each new site and
> leave resin.conf alone.
> This is what I have, it mostly works:
>        <!-- Catch our Apache Virtual Hosts -->
>        <host regexp="www\.([^.]+)\.com">
>                <host-name>${host.regexp[0]}</host-name>
>                <root-directory>/www/${host.regexp[1]}/site</root-directory>
>                <web-app id="/" document-directory="."/>
>                <web-app id="/base" root-directory="../base/site"/>
>        </host>
> This is what I want, It doesn't work. It's a valid regex so I'm a bit
> stumped.
>        <!-- Catch our Apache Virtual Hosts -->
>       <host regexp="(www|admin)\.([^.]+)\.(.+)">
>                <host-name>${host.regexp[0]}</host-name>
>                <root-directory>/www/${host.regexp[2]}/site</root-directory>
>                <web-app id="/" document-directory="."/>
>                <web-app id="/base" root-directory="../base/site"/>
>        </host>
> It seems like resin doesn't support the full capabilities of Perl regex
> syntax. Is there anything I can do to get this working?
> My second issue is that when I say "mostly works" the issue is that CFML
> templates in the ../base/site directory spawn a seperate web-context.
> This means I can't share session variables with scripts running in the
> main root. Is there a way I can have 2 document directories/roots that
> share a context (without nesting base under the root-directory)?
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