I'll answer my own question here. After a little bit of permission fun I got
the following working.

I set the umask to 002 before creating my virtual host directory.
Then i create my vhost directory with:
mkdir -p www.foo.com/webapps/ROOT/

all the files get created as expected.


On 10/23/07, Brandon Goodin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Greetings,
> I am having an issue with dynamic virtual hosts in resin 3.1.3. When i add
> a directory to the hosts directory (i.e. hosts/www.foo.com) it does not
> recognize the new host. No log directory, webaps directory, or ROOT
> directory is created. I tried accessing the domain from my browser thinking
> maybe a request would trigger virtual host to be recognized. Nothing works
> until I restart the resin daemon. At that point it will create the logs
> directory only and not the webapps directory and consecutive ROOT directory.
> Has anyone else run into this issue?
> Some notes on my setup:
> Fedora Release 7
> Java 1.6.0_03
> Resin 3.1.3
> I am running resin as a daemon under a system account of "resin". I have
> set the GUID to be sticky on all files created under the hosts directory and
> all files are being created with resin as the group. Additionally, I set my
> umask to allow group write access when the host file is created.
> Any help would be appreciated,
> Brandon Goodin
resin-interest mailing list

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