My personal opinion is that OpenSSL, in its current incarnation, is  
garbage. We've had nothing but problems getting it to work with Resin  
on Windows. It works, but it also causes Resin to crash several times  
per day. We're working on moving to a hardware-based SSL solution.

Ok, now that my bias is out in the open, one thing I've learned is  
that Resin is (necessarily) very sensitive to which version of  
OpenSSL it works with because OpenSSL, not being a 1.x product yet,  
which I am pretty sure it never will be in my lifetime, reserves the  
right to change its API at any point. I've even tried upgrading  
OpenSSL within a point-release, e.g. from 'b' to 'd' (or whatever)  
and I couldn't get it to work.

Therefore, it's been my experience that you must closely match your  
specific version of Resin with the specific version of OpenSSL with  
which it was developed to work. Unfortunately, the last time I  
looked, which I admit was a while ago, Caucho doesn't publish  
anything that says, "You must use version of X of OpenSSL with  
version X of Resin."

I'm not saying a version mismatch is your problem, just that it's a  
problem I've run into in the past and one thing you could try is  
getting different versions of OpenSSL and trying each of them to see  
if it solves your problem.


On Mar 22, 2007, at 11:41 , Justin T. Sampson wrote:

> Hi! We're getting an exception during Resin startup with SSL turned
> on. We've tried both Resin 3.1.0 and Resin 3.1.s070319 and got the
> same error; we have OpenSSL 0.9.8a and we're running Fedora Core 5. If
> we take out the openssl configuration from resin.conf, the server
> starts fine.
> Here's what we see on startup (with -verbose):
> /home/ia/jdk/bin/java \
>   -Djava.util.logging.manager=com.caucho.log.LogManagerImpl \
>   -Djava.system.class.loader=com.caucho.loader.SystemClassLoader \
>   -Djava.awt.headless=true \
>   -Dresin.home=/home/ia/resin/ \
>   -Xmx256m \
>   -Xss1m \
>   -Xdebug \
> \
>   com.caucho.server.resin.Resin \
>   -socketwait \
>   53902 \
>   -verbose
> CLASSPATH: /home/ia/jdk/lib/tools.jar:/home/ia/resin/lib/resin.jar:/ 
> home/ia/resin/lib/jaxrpc-15.jar:/home/ia/resin/lib/activation.jar:/ 
> home/ia/resin/lib/ejb-15.jar:/home/ia/resin/lib/j2ee-deploy-10.jar:/ 
> home/ia/resin/lib/j2ee-management-10.jar:/home/ia/resin/lib/ 
> javamail-14.jar:/home/ia/resin/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ia/resin/lib/ 
> jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ia/resin/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ia/resin/lib/ 
> jaxb1-impl.jar:/home/ia/resin/lib/jca-15.jar:/home/ia/resin/lib/ 
> jms-11.jar:/home/ia/resin/lib/jpa-15.jar:/home/ia/resin/lib/ 
> jsdk-15.jar:/home/ia/resin/lib/jsf-12.jar:/home/ia/resin/lib/ 
> jstl-11.jar:/home/ia/resin/lib/jta-101.jar:/home/ia/resin/lib/ 
> portlet-10.jar:/home/ia/resin/lib/quercus.jar:/home/ia/resin/lib/ 
> resin-util.jar:/home/ia/resin/lib/script-10.jar:/home/ia/resin/lib/ 
> webutil.jar:/home/ia/resin/lib/mysql-connector-java-5.0.4-bin.jar
> DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH: /home/ia/resin/libexec
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH: /home/ia/resin/libexec
> Resin-3.1.s070319 (built Mon, 19 Mar 2007 04:39:31 PDT)
> Copyright(c) 1998-2006 Caucho Technology.  All rights reserved.
>   Using Resin(R) Open Source under the GNU Public License (GPL).
>   See for information on Resin Professional,
>   including caching, clustering, JNI acceleration, and OpenSSL  
> integration.
> Starting Resin on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 11:19:44 -0700 (PDT)
> [11:19:46.376] Server[id=,cluster=app-tier] starting
> [11:19:46.377]
> [11:19:46.377] Linux 2.6.16-xenU-CN_1-NF i386
> [11:19:46.377] Java 1.5.0_08-b03, 32, mixed mode, ANSI_X3.4-1968, en,
> Sun Microsystems Inc.
> [11:19:46.377] root
> [11:19:46.377] resin.home = /home/ia/resin/
> [11:19:46.378] = /home/ia/resin/
> [11:19:46.378] resin.conf = /home/ia/resin/conf/resin.conf
> [11:19:46.379]
> [11:19:46.385] hmux listening to localhost.localdomain:6800
> [11:19:46.385] http listening to *:81
> [11:19:46.517] Host[] starting
> [11:19:46.798] WebApp[http://localhost:81] starting
> [11:19:46.880] WebApp[http://localhost:81/tools] starting
> [11:19:46.892] java.lang.NullPointerException
> [11:19:46.892]  at com.caucho.server.cluster.Server.start 
> (
> [11:19:46.892]  at
> com.caucho.server.cluster.Cluster.startServer(
> [11:19:46.892]  at
> com.caucho.server.cluster.ClusterServer.startServer 
> (
> [11:19:46.892]  at com.caucho.server.resin.Resin.start(
> [11:19:46.892]  at com.caucho.server.resin.Resin.initMain 
> (
> [11:19:46.892]  at com.caucho.server.resin.Resin.main(
> Cheers,
> Justin Sampson
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