On Jun 12, 2008, at 1:03 PM, Brian Parkinson wrote:

> Hello -
> I've used Resin in the past, and am back again. :) Wondering if  
> someone
> might have some suggestions...

Welcome back! :)
> One thing I noticed - a couple of my JSF-managed backing beans  
> implement
> HttpSessionBindingListener, and for some reason, Resin is repeatedly
> calling this (see output below). Never seen this using Tomcat - any
> ideas?

Can you call Thread.dumpStack() or similar from the listener?  I'm not  
sure what would be triggering the extra removal calls, but the thread  
dump should make the cause obvious.

-- Scott

> When the HttpSessionBindingListener.valueUnbound method is called, my
> backing bean clears out some data structures (as it's going out of
> session scope) and so I think the fact that this method is being  
> called
> by Resin is causing problems - have I set something up wrong?
> Any ideas are really appreciated - it seems that I'm really close to
> being able to move to Resin, which would be a Happy Day.
> As well, are there clear advantages to using Resin's implementation of
> JSF?
> Thanks.
> Brian Parkinson
> Software Architect
> Avaning Inc.
> --- x8 snip
> [15:30:13.218] {main} Host[] active
> [15:30:13.218] {main} hmux listening to localhost:6800
> [15:30:13.234] {main} http listening to *:8080
> [15:30:13.234] {main} Server[id=,cluster=app-tier] active
> [15:30:13.234] {main} Resin started in 6438ms
> [15:31:21.234] {http--8080-1} Loading XML bean definitions from file
> [C:\cygwin\home\parki\tools\java\resin-3.1.6\webapp
> s\demo2\WEB-INF\spring.xml]
> [15:31:21.531] {http--8080-1} Refreshing
> display
> name
> [org 
> startup date [Thu Jun 12 15:31:21 EDT 2008
> ]; root of context hierarchy
> [15:31:21.531] {http--8080-1} Bean factory for application context
> [org.springframework.context.support.GenericApplicati
> org 
> 804
> [15:31:22.328] {http--8080-1} Pre-instantiating singletons in
> org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableB
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]: defining beans
> [customEditorConfigurer 
> ,lowAlertConfig,mediumAlertConfig,highAlertConfig
> ,ecobeeAuthent
> icationProvider 
> ,authenticationManager,buildInfo,foundationBuildInfo,cach
> eManager,acknowledgeCache,alertCache,dispatchCac
> he 
> ,statusCache,thermostatCache,weatherCache,communicator,waiterManager,a
> cknowledgeHandler,alertHandler,dispatchHandler,e
> rrorHandler 
> ,statusHandler,thermostatHandler,handler,httpClient,clientUti
> l,alertDao,fileDao,infoDao,logDao,statusDao,http
> ThermostatDao 
> ,thermostatDao,userDao,weatherDao,workDao,dwrManager,mapCon
> fig,dataSource,sqlMapClient,modelCopier,statusEq
> uipment1 
> ,statusEquipment2,statusZone1,statusMessage,org.springframework.
> scheduling.quartz.SchedulerFactoryBean#0,dbPingT
> rigger 
> ,dbPingJob,dbPingTask,scheduledService,statusMessageGenerator,auxi
> liaryConverter,calendarEventConverter,climateCon
> verter,thermostatProcessor,preferences,user]; root of factory  
> hierarchy
> [15:31:22.609] {http--8080-1} Initializing EHCache CacheManager
> [15:31:24.375] {http--8080-1} Job execution threads will use class
> loader of thread: http--8080-1
> [15:31:24.421] {http--8080-1} Quartz Scheduler v.1.6.0 created.
> [15:31:24.437] {http--8080-1} RAMJobStore initialized.
> [15:31:24.437] {http--8080-1} Quartz scheduler  
> 'DefaultQuartzScheduler'
> initialized from default resource file in Quartz
> package: 'quartz.properties'
> [15:31:24.437] {http--8080-1} Quartz scheduler version: 1.6.0
> [15:31:24.437] {http--8080-1} JobFactory set to:
> [15:31:24.875] {http--8080-1} Starting Quartz Scheduler now
> [15:31:24.875] {http--8080-1} Scheduler
> DefaultQuartzScheduler_$_NON_CLUSTERED started.
> [15:31:31.203] {http--8080-1} Connecting without SSL.
> [15:31:32.390] {http--8080-1} Login accepted for user:  
> [15:31:33.093] {http--8080-1} GET /thermostat/105 ecobeeId:
> 670092a011a7e419cc07ff80
> [15:31:34.984] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
> [15:31:35.000] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
> [15:31:35.171] {http--8080-1} DWR Version 2.0.3 starting.
> [15:31:35.171] {http--8080-1} - Servlet Engine: Resin/3.1.6
> [15:31:35.171] {http--8080-1} - Java Version:   1.5.0_14
> [15:31:35.171] {http--8080-1} - Java Vendor:    Sun Microsystems Inc.
> [15:31:35.812] {http--8080-1} Probably not an issue: org.jdom.Document
> is not available so the jdom converter will not l
> oad. This is only an problem if you wanted to use it.
> [15:31:35.812] {http--8080-1} Probably not an issue:  
> org.jdom.Element is
> not available so the jdom converter will not lo
> ad. This is only an problem if you wanted to use it.
> [15:31:35.859] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
> [15:31:35.859] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
> [15:31:35.906] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
> [15:31:35.906] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
> [15:31:35.968] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
> [15:31:35.968] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
> [15:31:36.406] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
> [15:31:36.406] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
> [15:31:36.546] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
> [15:31:36.546] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
> [15:31:36.578] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
> [15:31:36.578] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
> [15:31:36.609] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
> [15:31:36.609] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
> [15:31:36.765] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
> [15:31:36.765] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
> [15:31:37.046] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
> [15:31:37.046] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
> [15:31:37.062] {http--8080-2} Value unbound from session.
> [15:31:37.062] {http--8080-2} Value unbound from session.
> [15:31:37.062] {http--8080-2} Value unbound from session.
> [15:31:37.062] {http--8080-2} Value unbound from session.
> [15:31:37.093] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
> [15:31:37.093] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
> [15:31:37.156] {http--8080-2} Value unbound from session.
> [15:31:37.156] {http--8080-2} Value unbound from session.
> [15:31:37.171] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
> [15:31:37.171] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
> [15:31:37.406] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
> [15:31:37.406] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
> [15:31:37.406] {http--8080-2} Value unbound from session.
> [15:31:37.406] {http--8080-2} Value unbound from session.
> [15:31:37.437] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
> [15:31:37.437] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
> [15:31:37.484] {http--8080-2} Exec: ThermostatAdaptor.getThermostat()
> [15:31:37.515] {http--8080-2} Value unbound from session.
> [15:31:37.515] {http--8080-2} Value unbound from session.
> [15:31:37.703] {http--8080-1} Exec: ThermostatAdaptor.getThermostat()
> [15:31:37.703] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
> [15:31:37.703] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
> [15:31:38.515] {http--8080-1} Exec: DwrAdaptor.setDwrScriptSessionId()
> [15:31:38.531] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
> [15:31:38.531] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
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> resin-interest@caucho.com
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