Jeff Schnitzer wrote:
> Trying to get SubEtha running on Resin 4.0.7, I'm getting a strange
> exception on startup:
>                                java.lang.NullPointerException
>                                 at
> com.caucho.ejb.server.EjbInjectionTarget.newInstance(
>                                 at
> @Service
> @ApplicationScoped
> @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED)
> public class BootstrapperBean
> The called EJB looks like this:
> @Stateless(name="Admin")
> @RolesAllowed(Person.ROLE_ADMIN)
> @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED)
> public class AdminBean extends PersonalBean implements Admin
> Any ideas where to start debugging this?  (btw same problem happens
> without @RolesAllowed)
I've filed this, although looking at the code, it looks like it's been 
resolved already.

4.0.7 will probably be a difficult release for CDI/EJB users, because 
it's a release in the middle of our CDI/EJB TCK work, and we've needed 
to make a large number of significant refactoring passes in the 
process.  We're trying to get 4.0.8 out as quickly as possible to get 
past that instability.
> BTW the NPE stacktrace isn't getting logged - I had to explicitly
> catch the exception and log it myself.  By default, the log out put is
> just " org.subethamail.core.admin.BootstrapperBean.start():
> java.lang.NullPointerException" which isn't very helpful :-(
Hmm.  Normally, we have all exceptions show their stack trace at the 
finer level even if the info level just shows the message. I'll look 
through the stack trace to see what's missing.

--- Scott
> Thanks,
> Jeff
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