> Roger N wrote:
>> This works just fine:
>> <path-mapping url-pattern='/folder1/*'
>> real-path='c:\real_folder'/>
>> This don't work at all:
>> <path-mapping url-pattern='/folder1/folder2/*'
>> real-path='c:\real_folder'/>
>> When entering the url: domain.com/folder1/folder2/ I get 404 - page not
>> found. - Why?
>> I'm using Resin 2.1
>> Help please.
>> Best Regards
>> Roger N
> It seems like this problem occur when "folder1" is an actual folder
> (exists).
> When changing "folder1" to a foldername that don't exists, it works like a
> charm.
> But how do I solve this? The virtual folder needs to be placed in the one
> that already exists.

Creating a file system link is not an option...?

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