Jeff Schnitzer wrote:
> I'm making good progress getting SubEtha running on 4.0.6, but now I
> seem to have a strange and self-contradictory error:
> [10-05-30 11:24:11.854] {main}
> org.subethamail.core.queue.InjectListener.outboundQueue:
> javax.enterprise.inject.UnsatisfiedResolutionException: Can't find a
> bean for 
> 'java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue<org.subethamail.core.queue.DeliveryQueueItem>'
> because no beans match the type and bindings
> [...@org.subethamail.core.queue.deliveryqueue()].
>                                Beans:
>                                    XmlBean[FileQueue,
> {...@org.subethamail.core.queue.deliveryqueue(),
> @javax.inject.Named(value=delivery), @Any()}, name=delivery,
> @Singleton]
>                                    XmlBean[FileQueue,
> {...@org.subethamail.core.queue.injectqueue(),
> @javax.inject.Named(value=inject), @Any()}, name=inject, @Singleton]
> There is clearly a FileQueue with @DeliveryQueue present, yet the
> manager can't seem to resolve it!
> Any idea what might be wrong?
It's probably the generic type matching. Our matching didn't exactly 
work with the CDI TCK, and there are still some details left to work out 
to make that work. I've added it as a bug at
> By the way, replacing our legacy plugin architecture (inherited from
> JBoss4 days) with the @Any Instance<?> api produces amazingly clean
> code!  Really fantastic stuff.
Isn't that great? After people start spending time with CDI, I think 
we'll discover a nice set of new patterns that it enables.

-- Scott
> Thanks,
> Jeff
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