On Mar 12, 2008, at 12:41 PM, Chris Chen wrote:

> Scott,
> I've been trying multiple times to get Quercus to run phpbb3 properly
> and I continue to have problems with getting the generated cached
> template files to render consistently.
> After a server restart, things work for a few pages until it hits some
> sort of snag.  This consistently happens after I tried accessing
> different pages that requires the template caching mechanism to kick
> in.  Once that happens, the comments in the template fails to get
> parsed afterwards.
> Turning on full debugging output (finest level) produces exceptions
> that are not entirely helpful:
> Tried with compile off and on.  That didn't work either.
> Are there any plans to get phpbb3 to work properly?

We're working on phpbb3, but as you've notice it's not ready yet.   
It'll probably be a few weeks.

-- Scott

> I guess if I get some time, the only way is to run quercus within
> Eclipse or Idea and do a full break debug to see what's wrong.
> Thanks,
> Chris
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