Can you give some concrete examples of what mappings you want to achieve
with the rewrite?


Is the scenario like this?


1) You have a bunch of old servlets defined like:


    <servlet-mapping url-pattern="/servlet/a" servlet-class="com.a.AServlet"

    <servlet-mapping url-pattern="/servlet/b" servlet-class="com.b.BServlet"


2) And you want users to access them via something like:


    http://localhost/newpath/a, and



    without changing the servlet-mapping?    


Or is the scenario somehow trickier than this?


[] On Behalf Of Nath Dod
Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2009 4:44 AM
Subject: [Resin-interest] mod_caucho filter mapping issue


Hi .. I know this has been posed before but problem similar to item
. I am using URLrewrite filter to remap old pages to current ones. This
works fine in resin standalone mode but I have now setup with apache
fronting as i need to setup other sites on the server. I have everything
working but this urlrewrite issue as it only uses filter-mappings and not a
servlet-mapping. The previous resin-interest article states he managed to
solve with a sethandler request. Can anyone elaborate how i could adapt to
work with URLrewrite as at the mo i'm just getting 404's from apache.. can i
use this sethandler command in the httpd.conf for my virtual host?

any suggestions will be greatly appreciated..


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