

I am using RestEasy on the client side (version 2.2.1.GA) . I have a
requirement to try a secondary endpoint (host) if the request to the
primary endpoint fails (in case it is down). I thought about
implementing a
org.jboss.resteasy.spi.interception.ClientExecutionInterceptor which
checks for unsuccessful call to the primary endpoint, changes the URI of
the request to the secondary endpoint using ClientResponse.overrideUri()
and then reissue the request. 


It did not work, it seems that calling ClientResponse.overrideUri() is
in effect a NOP. Even though ClientResponse.overrideURI() changes the
internal URIBuilder, internally ClientResponse caches the URI in a
protected field 'finalURI' and when ClientResponse.getURI() is invoked
by RestEasy, to make the Http call, it reuses the old value of the URI. 

In eclipse debugger, after calling overrideURI, if I set finalURI to
null, everything works as expected for me - the exact same REST call is
issued but now against the secondary endpoint that I specified using


I am not sure if ClientResponse.overrideUri()  is working as designed
(there is no javadoc and I have not been able to find any information in
JIRA or the forums) or if  this is a bug which can be fixed by setting
this.finalURI to null in ClientResponse.overrideUri().


Also providing  snippet of the code I am trying, just in case it helps
clarify my question.


Thanks for your help.






public class RetryOnErrorInterceptor implements
ClientExecutionInterceptor {





       public ClientResponse<?> execute(final ClientExecutionContext
context) throws Exception



              ClientResponse<?> response = null;



                     response = context.proceed();

              } catch (UnknownHostException uhe)


                     response = executeAgain(context, response);


              } catch (SocketTimeoutException ste)


                     response = executeAgain(context, response);

              } catch (Exception ex)


                     throw new RestClientException(

                                  "This seemed like an unrecoverable
exception so no retry to a different endpoint is going to be




              if (this.isErrorResponseReceived(response.getStatus()))


                     response = executeAgain(context, response);



              return response;




       private ClientResponse<?> executeAgain(final
ClientExecutionContext context, final ClientResponse<?> response)

                     throws Exception


              if (response != null)




              ClientRequest request = context.getRequest();

              String uriStr = request.getUri();

              URI uri = new URI(uriStr);

              URI endPointURI = new URI(this.config.getEndPoint1());

              URI retryURI = new URI(








              return context.proceed();







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