Resteasy 3.0.4.Final has been released today.  Besides some bug fixes, 
this ended up being a major feature release specifically:

* Netty 4 integration thanks to Kristoffer Sjoegren
* Undertow integration
* JOSE JSON Web Encryption (JWE) Support
* A new Servlet 3.0 ServerContainerInitializer for Resteasy.  This 
allows you to take advantage of JAX-RS integration within a standalone 
Servlet 3.0 environment.  This means you can work solely with 
Application classes, use automatic scanning, and not have to write 
anything in your web.xml files for Tomcat and Jetty deployments!.
* I also published the new revised examples for my up-and-coming Restful 
Java With JAX-RS 2.0 book.

As usual, check out for how to download the 
distro and view documentation.

Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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